Choosing The Right Social Media Channel For Your Business

4 mins read

Social networking is no more just a means of entertainment and communication. Today, you can effectively use it for marketing your business effectively. This is a reason why many business firms, whether small or large are already using its different mediums such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Google plus and Twitter to leverage the benefits for the promotion of their business. However, with the continuous growth of social networks, it sometimes becomes really confusing to choose the right social media network for channeling the traffic to your brand. This is exactly what I have covered in my article, to help you decide the best medium according to your marketing needs.

Facebook as a Marketing Medium for your Business

Having about 1.056 billion of worldwide users, Facebook is topping the charts as currently the most used social media network worldwide.  You would find various business firms targeting the users of Facebook through their Facebook business pages.

Creating a Facebook fan page allows you to communicate effectively with your users, to make your brand trustworthy in their eyes and as a result increasing the lead generation process of your company. Through Facebook, you can create a Buzz for your brand.

In addition to communicating directly with your clients, a facebook page also helps you in your site’s SEO work. So work your way through surveys, polls and share latest trends and news about your firm to grab the attention of your users.

Twitter as a Marketing Medium for your Business

Twitter also commonly known as the “microblogging” network, is designed for informational purposes. It helps the users to communicate for free with the help of short messages, known as tweets.

Twitter helps businesses to communicate easily by promoting free offerings. Twitter also helps customers to submit their questions, the answers to which you can post in their replies, thus showing expertise in your field. You can also redirect the questions of your clients from twitter to the Facebook page of yours. Like Facebook, twitter also helps in the SEO campaign of your site.

You can continue to tweet throughout the day. You can also spread them, by varying the information.

LinkedIn as your Marketing Medium for your Business

Linkedin is a thorough professional network. It helps you in meeting your future collaborators and partners, making the communication process simpler and faster. LinkedIn page enhances your visibility and helps in building your brand reputation across the entire network, to help you in recruiting future employees for your firm. Having a profile on this network helps a lot especially if you are looking for a professional job. Through LinkedIn you can not only recommend different people but can also get recommended.

Using Google Plus as your Marketing Medium

Google is no longer behind Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn as it has come up with its own unique social network known as Google Plus. A good use of this network is beneficial for not just your brand recognition but also for your SEO campaigns.

Google Plus helps you in creating your own community, circle of people to share your professional knowledge. You can manage your business page the same way, you manage your personal account, which makes it extremely easier to use.

Thus all you have to do is create a page exclusive to your company and fill in the biography to be able to sell yourself to your users in a completely professional and thoughtful way.

John Rouge is an internet marketing and social media expert. He has worked with various websites, also associated with Alex Miller.