Health Benefits Of Proper Breathing

4 mins read

Headaches could be an indication of overactive nervous system and mental agitation. Fortunately, there’s one tool that can help you feel much better. Proper breathing is one thing that can help you to move forward and in just a few seconds, you could often ease your state of mind, while feeling much better. If you have the habit of being anxious and can’t quiet your mind properly; then it is possible that there’s not much happening with your respiratory system. The bottom line is, we are not breathing properly. If you don’t breathe well, your mind will easily get agitated with only the slightest stressor. Breathing is often believed as a movement of internal energy, although it can be seen as a form of pseudo science. In this case, people who have chronic headaches are seen as those with stuck energy. However, it is true that the act of breathing has a direct correlation to our emotions. When we are relaxed, we often inhale deeper and exhale fully. It means that our state of mind is directly related with the way we breathe. If we experience deep anxiety of panic, our breathing pattern is usually short and very shallow, which can be considered as panting. When we pant, it can be considered as improper breathing pattern. This will result in improper oxygen intake into different parts of our body, including our brain. We could become irritable, anxious, tired and not very productive; if our breathing style is not appropriate.

Our breathing style could also be related to our body posture. If we don’t have a proper body posture, it is likely that our lung capacity will become limited and our breath is restricted. As an example, we shouldn’t slouch or hunch too much that our breathing style is affected. Our breathing pattern can become dysfunctional. It means that our well being and health will be badly affected. We should also consider whether our fast paced lifestyle has an effect on our breathing pattern. Things will be much better if we start to notice each breath that we take. We should observe and be aware of our breathing pattern in different situations. As an example, we should know when we tend to breathe faster. Check how our stomach and chest feel at this situation, whether they feel tight. If our inhalations are short and shallow, in many conditions; then we should find ways to correct this situation. In many cases, it’s about breathing slower and deeper. In order to make our breathing pattern more organized, we could get involved in various physical exercises, such as aerobics, yoga, swimming, running or just regular brisk walks. If we have systematic breathing pattern, we should start to have better mental and physical conditions. It is important for us to train proper breathing pattern, such as by standing or sitting straight. Try to expand and contract our abdomen at the fullest extent, as we breathe slowly. We should achieve a number of repetitions. We could feel light headed at first, but this can be seen as a way for our body to adapt to the new breathing pattern. In general, we should start slow.