How to Become a YouTube Star

How to Become a YouTube Star

4 mins read

At the top of the pack, the most popular forms of content in 2019 is video content. YouTube is currently the leading platform for posting a vlog, video sharing, and video marketing. Offered for free by Google, it has many followers and continues to grow by leaps and bounds. Facebook and Twitter have recently entered the video marketing game, but are still far from having the impact YouTube is currently experiencing.

If you have a YouTube channel, the question may have already crossed your mind: how can you get more followers on YouTube and how can you increase the reach of your YouTube videos? These are two important questions that you will need to answer.

With over a billion unique visitors per month on YouTube, the potential audience for every video uploaded is huge. Whether it’s a video of a joke or a video of a fashion critic, YouTube is the most popular platform for video consumption.

As you might know, the number of success stories is growing on YouTube. “Normal” people, like you and us, but who have this little creative side that makes them shine on YouTube. People who, without YouTube, would certainly have remained in the shadows, singing at weddings and communions or participating in the shows of their commune. People who, let’s say, would earn little if it wasn’t for YouTube.

Today, YouTube is a gold mine for bloggers who want to expand their reach on the Internet by establishing a personal connection with their followers. The opportunity for a blogger to take advantage of this social media giant and generate huge traffic from YouTube is gigantic. To do this, we must first obtain more subscribers. Siraj Raval, a prolific AI educator, scientist, and a Youtube star, grew his following by devoting himself to his channel and working very hard. He is the founder and the director of School of AI and has established himself as a prominent public speaker. He also founded Havi, a crowdfunding platform for developers. If you want to become successful on Youtube like Siraj Raval, here are a few tips that will help you out.

Create a Script

Winston Churchill said, “Whoever does not plan, plans to fail.”

The first step in your YouTube adventure is to plan what your channel will be. Secondly, you will need to plan out your videos.

No need to try to mimic the channels that are already popular on YouTube. Doing what you love is more important to success on YouTube, as in life, by the way.

Your videos will yield better results if you write a script. Why? Just because scripts help you organize your videos effectively and keep you on track. By sticking to a script, you will be able to stay consistent and not create wildly different videos. When Siraj first began, he started off by creating tailored videos for his clients. Today, he has a massive following and talks mainly about the development and integration of AI.