When Three’s The Charm

When Three’s The Charm

3 mins read

When our sons turned 13, the peach fuzz started to come in faster and darker, thicker and more bothersome than ever before.  They are triplets, so in the space of one summer they all started shaving and by the age of 16, the need for shaving and grooming supplies tripled in our house.  We were proud to see them reach this milestone, but all three had problems shaving that we had to deal with individually.  Being identical, they tend to want to shave at the same time of day, and in the same manner.  This is not unusual behavior for sets of identical twins, but it did put a dint in the budget.  But once a friend showed us how to apply a Harry’s razors coupon from Groupon Coupons, they all found relief through the quality of the blades.  Now that they have mastered the art of shaving, we have noticed they love trying new grooming products from Harry’s.  We count ourselves lucky for finding the Harry’s site.  Ringing up shaving supplies each month from the big box stores made us think we were getting a great deal.  We started them on their individual shaving programs through Harry’s, now they love to receive their personalized kits in the mail, even though they tend to order the same things.  Enrolling them in the online auto ship program has made that aspect of their daily grooming so much easier and economical.

The oldest found that unlike his brothers, he tends to get ingrown hairs.  After learning to adjust the angle of his blade, the problem diminished.  The youngest seems to cut himself more than his brothers, but soon, he was moisturizing properly, and that problems seemed to go away as well.

This year they will all have dates for the Valentine’s Day dance at their school.  In spite of our best efforts to dissuade them, they all want to wear matching suits to the dance and have asked out young ladies with similar personalities to each other.  There’s a famous study of twins that has determined that even identical twins who were separated at birth will show eerie similarities once reunited.  Even if separated for decades by an ocean, they will wear the same colors, buy the same styles, use identical appliances and even dye their hair the same color – without ever having met the other.   We know there’s a strong possibility that the boys will attend different universities and pursue different career paths.  But for now, watching the remarkable way they interact with each other fills our hearts with joy.