
Bitcoin Fever and AMD

Virtual currency’s fever (cryptocurrency) Bitcoin and Ethereum jumped demand of computer graphic card component. It’s because the processor chip (GPU) plant on the graphic cards is considered more reliable, durable, and efficient for mining virtual currency than the CPU does. The graphics card manufacturer…

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The History of NASCAR Racing

As the Second World War came to an end, the demand for new cars in the US jumped considerably with the return of the soldiers. The industry that had produced military equipment for five long years directly applied these new designs to cars. This…

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4 Different Types of Car Cooling Systems

The more powerful the vehicle and the harder you push it, the more difficult it will be for you to keep it cool. Nonetheless, with an efficient car cooling system in place, this shouldn’t be too difficult. Now, there are several different types of…

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How to Remove Scratches from a Car

A number of things can cause car scratches including poor parking, vandalism, and accidents among other mishaps that could leave a mark on your paint job. Seeking out a remedy in a body shop can prove expensive as even just a minute touch-up can…

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