
Face Care Tips: 8 Dos and Don’ts for Naturally Beautiful Skin

4 mins read

The Rolling Stones sing, “you can’t always get what you want,” but what if you can? We all want flawless skin and with a little work and some good advice, it can actually be yours. All you need to do is tweak a few of your daily habits. Which ones?


Read on. Here are 8 dos and don’ts for luminous skin at any age.


8 Dos and Don’ts for Gorgeous Skin




  • Skin Cleanliness: Whatever you do always practice good skin cleanliness and use the best skincare products! Before bed swipes away your makeup and CTM (cleanser, toner, moisturizer) twice daily. Don’t forget to exfoliate once a week to get rid of dead skin.  




  • Suncare: No matter the season, use SPF moisturizer or sunscreen to protect your skin from sun damage – which will also fight the signs of age. Don’t miss an application just because it’s cloudy.




  • You Are What You Eat: Eat the rainbow (fruits and vegetables), foods rich in vitamin C (produces collagen for skin health), antioxidants (to fight age and inflammation) and fill up on healthy fats such as avocado for radiant skin. Avoid fried foods and sugars.




  • Get Moving: Get your sweat on and exercise regularly for good health as it’ll get your blood pumping and aid in sweating out those nasty toxins! Don’t forget to care for your skin; before your workout use a toner and after remember to exfoliate.  


  • Beauty Sleep: There is a reason why it’s called beauty sleep, get a restful 8 hours so your skin has a chance to repair itself. It also means you wake up refreshed. Not sleeping enough creates problematic skin and makes you look as tired as you feel, so rest up and don’t forget to cleanse and remove makeup before bed! 
  • Hydration: The more water you drink, the clearer your complexion – a hydrated body flushes out toxins and reduces inflammation. 8 glasses a day is best. Also, take in foods with high water content like cucumbers for added benefit. Don’t skip the water and fill up on other fluids – it’s not the same – water is best for optimal body functioning!    
  • Problematic Skin: Got acne? No problem, wash your face with warm water three times a day and use a gentle skincare line to treat your upset skin.Don’t touch your face or pop your blemishes, it causes skin inflammation and irritation and may actually lead to permanent scarring.  
  • Self-Care: Practice self love daily – get creative, get moving – do something for yourself to keep stress at bay. Or take a break from stress for some self-care. Employ whatever healthy habit makes you happy: yoga, reading, colouring or drawing. Stress is bad for you and a nightmare for your skin so brush up on stress management techniques and keep your spirits up for a brighter complexion.



Don’t let stress get the better of you if it does it’ll bring its annoying friend cortisol to the party and that’s when your face gets oily and breakouts happen.


Get Beautiful Skin, Naturally



Radiant skin isn’t luck, it’s about using best practices in your everyday life – like the ones recommended in this article – so you can get what we all want, luminous skin.