How To Make Your Office Cubicle Feel Like Your Own Space

How To Make Your Office Cubicle Feel Like Your Own Space

4 mins read

If you have a job like mine, then you spend most of your time sitting at your desk surrounded by paperwork and projects. One of the best things I ever did for my daily morale was to decorate my desk the way I wanted it. Making it feel like home will give you a sense of relaxation. When you are more comfortable it is much easier to do you work. Of course, you want to respect whatever policies you company many have about working environments and the aesthetic of your office as a whole, but if there is any freedom allowed, I would encourage you to express yourself. Take a look at the desks of coworkers around you to get a better idea of what may be accepted or not. If you are really concerned about it you can even ask someone if it is ok for you to bring in a few things. Many times, there is a cabinet full of office supplies for the taking, so you can usually help yourself to a few notepads or things like that. If not, visit Office Depot to fill all your supply needs. The best way to start is to think about what you need on your desk.

Make it Functional

If you look around your desk and count the items, how many of them do you use weekly. Think about which ones you use daily. Make it a priority to get organized before you start decorating. I would recommend putting any of the items that you do not use at least every other day in a drawer or on a shelf. If you do not have storage space you can most likely ask someone if it is possible to order a file cabinet that fits underneath your desk. After you have put everything away, find a good spot for all the things that are left so that you can easily access any folders, pens, or other office supplies that you use regularly.

Add Personal Touch

Once you have organized your space it is much easier to see where there might be room to add a personal touch. My favorite way to make my desk feel a little bit like home is to bring in a photograph or two of me and with friends and family members. Sometimes I have a picture frame or two, but you can also use most cubicle walls like a bulletin board and stick a couple photos up there. Other ways to add personal touch is to bring in a little knick knack or something that has meaning to you.

Buy A Plant

Have you ever walked by someone who had a plant on their desk and thought how fresh it looked? Get inspiration from seeing what other people have done with their plants. Having some greenery or a bright plant on your desk can help freshen up your day but is also relaxing in some ways. It might have something to do with the fact the plants are good for the air we breathe, they absorb our waste and produce clean air for us.