Simple Ways to Get Some Good Blog Ideas

5 mins read

Coming up with a good blog idea that will generate interest to your readers can be challenging. However with careful planning it can become easier. One important way of ensuring that is by trying to categorize different ideas under different topics. You will be able to find out the most popular topics and therefore be able to focus on it. Where you find that you are not writing much on any given topic, you can always consider reviewing it or even deleting it. You can always limit your ideas to around eight to help your readers to be able to scan them easily and also stay focused.

You can also use the Google adword keyword resource to find out what people are looking for before coming up with an appropriate topic for your blog. Where you use the keyword in your blog, it will assist you to rank better within the search engine. But what is important is for you to ensure that the content is not only useful but also keep your readers engaged. The keyword should only be there to help you come up with related ideas.

It is also important for you to ensure that you create a blogging niche that is narrow. Where the focus on a particular topic is tight, you will not only get more readers but you will also have more ideas to write on. You should also choose some blog topics that are both short and meaningful. You should not discount any of the ideas that come to mind but you should write them down. You can also discuss with some one who has an interest in the topic or even a fellow blogger.

To be effective it is always important for you to read other blogs and also leave a comment that is meaningful. You can use the comments to create your own ideas. Therefore you should first note down all the thoughtful comments you have made and try and see what really tick so that you can make it an idea for future posts. Also you should ensure that you read the comments of the people who post in your blog. This is important as it will help you see what interests your readers and write more on the topic. Also read the posts by readers in other blogs to get an idea of what the readers in your niche want.

If you get to a point where you feel as if you have burnt out, it is important for you take a break until you feel ideas begin to come into your mind. Any idea that comes around should not be discarded. Note it down even if it comes at 3 am in the morning. Always ensure you have a pen and a paper to note down any idea that pops up before it is forgotten.

You can also ask your readers for ideas to write about. You can ask your followers on twitter or even Facebook to send any queries on a certain topic that you write on. If you try and follow these tips, you will be able to come up with more ideas than you can write on. Ensure that you take any question from readers seriously. Where a reader leaves a comment, it is important for you to appreciate it by posting a reply to the comment. This helps you to have a relationship with your readers. Also ensure that the idea you choose for your blog brings fun to the reader since it would do any good to you if you choose a topic that makes your readers sleep.