When you travel around the world, you want to enjoy the best airports. If you’re not using the top private jet airports, you may find yourself using some of the worst airports. Commercial airports can be cesspools of unkempt disarray. Avoid all of that by visiting top private jet airports. Here are some of the worst commercial airports in America:
- LaGuardia Airport in New York City. There’s limited seating, so if there’s a flight delay, or you’re simply waiting for a flight, you’ll find yourself forced to stand—make sure to wear appropriate footwear! The airport is in dire need of an update, it can’t even handle inclement weather. But you can enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of its current renovations.
- The Newark Liberty International Airport in Newark, New Jersey has long security screening points and long queue lines. Worse, it has mostly fast food options for dining.
- The Honolulu International Airport in Honolulu Hawaii doesn’t give you the warm fuzzy feeling of arriving on an island getaway. This airport has air-conditioning that needs some serious help, which is a shame if you have hair that doesn’t fare well under humid conditions.
Use one of the top private jet airports. Visit https://www.flyjetoptions.com/jet-specials/, call 972-764-3563 or email [email protected]