3 Lingering Sports Injuries That Could Become Serious Issues Down The Road
3 Lingering Sports Injuries That Could Become Serious Issues Down The Road

3 Lingering Sports Injuries That Could Become Serious Issues Down The Road

3 mins read

Practically everyone who plays a sport for a long period of time is going to experience at least a few injuries. Most of these injuries can be taken care of with basic remedies such as compression wraps or applying an ice pack to the area, but there are a few symptoms that you must never ignore. Here is a quick look at three warning signs that you should immediately stop what you are doing and seek out medical attention.

Difficulty Breathing

Athletes should never take any chances with potential lung injuries. Labored breathing can be caused by many different acute injuries including strained muscles and bruised ribs. These side effects might also be caused by much more serious issues such as a blood clot or pinched nerve. After being hit in the chest or falling over, an athlete should be able to regain their breath within a minute. If they are not able to catch their breath, then they must immediately head to the emergency room for further testing.

Lower Back Pain

Spinal cords are typically able to take an incredible amount of punishment, but there may come a point when one of your discs becomes bruised or slides out of position. Unlike many other injuries that athletes experience, back pain might not show up until hours or days after the injury has occurred. Relatively minor aches and pains are perfectly normal after a strenuous workout, but the discomfort should not be debilitating. Anyone who has been struggling with lower back pain for more than a day or two should speak with an experienced chiropractor, like the professionals at Fulk Chiropractic, to explore their treatment options.

Big Toe Pain

It is all too easy for a dedicated athlete to ignore ongoing discomfort, but they should never overlook chronic pain near the big toe. Most toe pain is caused by minor cuts, bruises, blisters, and other obvious types of injuries. Unfortunately, it can also be caused by much more serious injuries that must be treated by a medical professional. That includes deep bone bruises, bad sprains, and hairline fractures. While these types of injuries might seem overwhelming, most athletes can fully recover from a broken toe in just four or five weeks with the proper aftercare.

Even if an injury keeps you from an upcoming game or match, your health is too important to leave up to chance. Catching these issues early will reduce your risk of a minor injury becoming a lingering health problem that brings your athletic endeavors to a grinding halt.